Modified Motorcycles, Is it safe?

Today we often encounter a modified motorcycle alias changed according to user desires, but is modified comfortable ride motorcycles? It feels before you can refer to modify this review.

Each output standard motorcycle manufacturer in the technical specifications and design meets safety standards and comfort of a product for everyday use. Before being accepted by konsumenpun, Honda has gone through phases of Pre Delivery Inspection Final Inspection before the bike was received by consumers.

So nothing to worry about the consumer when riding a Honda motorcycle that is still in good condition manufacturer's standard output from the security aspect as well as ride comfort.

Specific customers and are usually among young people who always want to be different is often to redesign or modify the bike. Extreme as any modifications made will not be a problem as long as the bike is only used for? Eye medication? Just alias display because it's so beautiful to look at.

Problems will arise if the motorcycle has been modified is used as an everyday vehicle because they feared the changes made to disturb the comfort while driving. And the more dangerous if the changes were made relating to changes in technical specifications as well as harm to the owner as well as for other road users when driving on the highway.

Beri peringkat terjemahan
The most minor modification is to change the color and striping motorcycles. For this one though mild, is one thing to remember is that data on vehicle registration, also needs to be adjusted if you do not want to got a ticket by the authorities.

Modification that changes the shape and size need to get special attention because it feared could interfere with the safety and comfort while bekendara.Contoh only: Replacing rear view mirror, it is possible according to our trivial. The beauty of the display not to forget the function of the mirror itself. We often encounter the rearview mirror is replaced with an insufficient size to function as a tool to keep an eye on the back of us while driving is no longer useful optimally. This of course can harm while driving.

Another example that could endanger other road users is the replacement of the color of the rear lights (stop lamp) should be red to white (with clear mica). The lights, horn, and all existing instruments on the motorcycle is a tool to help us communicate with other road users. If it is changed it will disrupt our communication while driving. Moreover taillight with clear mica would be very dangerous for the rider behind him as it can be dazzling views.

So it will work and the satisfaction gained beauty should not interfere with comfort while driving, the more danger to myself and others.

Congratulations to drive safe and yummy

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